Viagra and Sexuality
Sex is for every age…
Viagra, the little blue pill which changed the meaning of sex, entered the modern lives for the first time in 1998. This was the first time when male impotence was considered as a medical problem and had a medical cause as well as a treatment for the same. People started considering impotence as a ‘common’ problem among males rather than a ‘normal’ problem related to male weakness. So, ‘impotence’ was renamed and replaced with a medical term ‘erectile dysfunction’. And for the first time people said that sex is not only for the young, elders can also enjoy sexual life.
When Viagra was introduced, the believers of ‘free sex’ welcomed the product to invigorate their midlife sexuality. An AARP study on the sexual attitudes and practices of Americans aged 45 and above stated that the boomers are going to change forever the way people think about sex and aging.
Viagra encouraged the revolutionary spirit and attitude about sexuality in midlife. Growing older does not mean the end of living, health and age-related physical problems are not accepted as normal, rather treated.
Sexuality in Viagra age
AARP study on sexual behavior comes up with the following findings on Viagra and sexuality:
- The percentage of people who tried treatments to improve their sexual life has doubled from 10 to 22 percent. 68 percent of those men admitted having increased their sexual satisfaction.
- Women in all age groups accounted their own sexual pleasure derived by their partners’ use of the drug. Some of them said that the frequency of sex had increased after using the potency drugs.
- Some of them agreed enjoying spiced up sexual life. Phone sex, the exchange of erotic notes and e-mails with a spouse or intimate partner are popular among the 45-to 49 age group.
- A little more than a quarter of men and 21 percent of women in the age group 45-to-49 admitted to having sex in a public place where as 11 percent men and women in the 50-to-69 age group also confessed the same. In the 70-plus group only few admitted to have ever taken part in such activities.
In 1964, the medical world introduced birth control pill for the first time, and the baby boomers took the advantage while that little pill changed the sex lives of a generation. And about 40 years later, as the baby boomers were growing old, another miracle drug Viagra came up to change their sexual lives once again. Age was not a factor that could stop a male from having sex and women could enjoy sex without the fear of pregnancy, even after their menopause. So the baby boomer couples kept on making love and promised never to stop living just because they have grown in age and were stepping towards death. They will love and live till Viagra is there to enhance their sexuality.