Is Viagra Harmful for Men?

The drug Viagra was created to treat erectile dysfunction, commonly called impotence. To perform full sexual intercourse for men is a very important moment in life. It is human instinct, relating to basic needs.

Viagra Properties and Efficiency

This patented means was the first one to treat erectile dysfunction. Internationally the drug is called Sildenafil. However, generic Viagra is not very different in chemical composition from the original.Viagra Properties and EfficiencyThe main active ingredient is sildenafil citrate. It is capable of improving chemical processes in male body, which help to cause penis erection. The action is based on pelvic muscles relaxation and blood circulation improvement. The uniqueness of the drug is that penis erection does not occur immediately after receiving the means, but only under the influence of sexual stimulation. After sexual contact erection subsides as a natural process. Canadian Pharmacy Viagra has a positive effect at almost any disorder severity degree. Moreover, it does not matter whether impotence is caused by psychological or physiological factors, except for genital organs anatomical structure deformities and pathological abnormalities in development. Drug action is explained by influence on large and small penile vessels. Generic Viagra helps to expand them and provide full blood flow to penis cavernous bodies. Sildenafil can help to restore potency in necessary time, without addressing doctor.

Viagra Contraindications and Dosage

Before you start taking Canadian Viagra, you should consult a doctor. First of all, it is necessary to clarify indications and contraindications, as well as dosage, as it may differ in some cases. The most dangerous are hypersensitivity and severe allergic reactions. Such reactions can appear not only to main drug substance. But also to auxiliary components. One pill usually contains: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, anhydrous calcium hydrogen phosphate, cross-carmellose sodium and specific coating film. If at least one of these microelements causes hypersensitivity, reception is contraindicated. The drug is prohibited to taken together with preparations, containing nitrates. For example, a serious danger for health is combination with nitroglycerine. However, nitrates are also contained in other drugs for cardiovascular diseases treatment. In case of simultaneous intake of generic Viagra and means containing nitrates, arterial blood pressure can sharply decrease. Moreover, it can reach critical indicators, hazardous to health and life. Accordingly, cardiovascular system diseases will be contraindication to receiving generic Viagra. The product is intended exclusively for men. It can not be recommended to children and women. There are other medications to improve sexual activity in fair sex. It is strictly prohibited to use sildenafil citrate together with other means, that has positive effect on potency. This applies not only to drugs in the form of pills, ointments or injections, but also to vacuum pumps and implants. Canadian Pharmacy Viagra is available in various dosage forms. Despite the fact that it is a generic, like any other drug it should be taken strictly observing dosage. The main rule is that you should start with small doses and only once a day. Dosage increase is only necessary if chosen amount of substance is ineffective. Transition to larger dosage should always be agreed with attending physician. With particular caution the drug should be used in the following cases:

  • elderly age (60 years and older);
  • presence of hepatic or renal diseases;
  • receiving drugs, used in HIV infection treatment, especially protease inhibitors;
  • prostate diseases and alpha-adrenoblocker therapy;
  • hypertension of I and II stages.

Under these conditions dosage is reduced to 25 mg a day. If reception is carried out on the background of protease inhibitors use, frequency of drug consumption is reduced to once every other day. How to use Viagra (Sildenafil)? Canadian Viagra pill is taken one hour before sexual intercourse. Fatty foods increase time of absorption. Active substance action duration is 4 – 6 hours maximum. Viagra (Sildenafil) is safe for daily use if observe all instructions. Viagra (Sildenafil) harmful side effects are most often found only in case of exceeding permissible therapeutic doses, that is taking too much Viagra (Sildenafil) is extremely harmful to your health. Their manifestations are as follows:

  • headaches;
  • skin redness due to sudden rush of blood;
  • diarrhea;
  • violation of color perception (a person sees everything in blue shades, at the same time true blue and green colors are not distinguished);
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • skin rash;
  • nasal hemorrhages;
  • epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting.

Is Viagra Harmful for a Healthy Person?

Following all rules and recommendations there will be no harm to health. But it is necessary to understand, that this means is not a panacea for problems with erection. It is not able to completely eliminate this disorder, since it can be caused by various factors. The drug is effective only for symptomatic therapy. To completely get rid of erectile dysfunction it is necessary to identify the reason that caused it, and direct treatment to this reason. It is important not to resort to self-medication. The drug should only be appointed by a doctor with accurate dosage and recommendations. Improper intake can cause severe violations in functioning of organs and body systems. In addition, generic Viagra can have a negative impact if erectile dysfunction diagnosis is not made correctly. Perhaps a person simply needs to rest well, to sleep, to escape from current problems and after that erection will be restored. The drug in this case will provide additional blood flow to penis, thereby causing severe pain up to cavernous bodies damage. The same thing may be attributed to people, taking Viagra (Sildenafil) when don’t need it. Canadian Pharmacy Viagra does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. So do not consider this a side effect or harmful factor, the means simply has different healing properties. When appointing this drug by doctor, you should tell him the following information:

  • presence of any problems associated with cardiac activity;
  • serious internal organs diseases (especially heart attacks and blood strokes);
  • blood pressure changes;
  • presence of vision problems (even congenital diseases and abnormalities of structure and function);
  • presence of hepatic and renal diseases;
  • presence of penile deformities;
  • periodic prolonged erections (more that 3 – 4 hours, not disappearing after sexual intercourse);
  • presence of gastrointestinal tract diseases (especially gastric hemorrhages and ulcer).

Conclusion: is Viagra Really Harmful to the Body?

Viagra pleasure without harm One can argue, whether generic Viagra (Sildenafil) is harmful or not? Only for discovery of this drug the Nobel Prize was granted. If its active substance was so dangerous or useless, the drug would not have been so popular. Any man is willing to give up everything to never have problems with potency. With reasonable approach and correct reception there is definitely no harm. The only negative impact, which is characteristic for each drug, is that it is able to influence body’s natural filters. Thus in a very small amount Viagra (Sildenafil) is harmful to kidneys and liver. But one pill a day can’t bring enormous harm to the body and have a negative impact on general health. Even long-term (regular) use of Viagra is not harmful is follow all recommendations and instructions.