This study reported that respiratory symptoms consistent with bronchial responsiveness were significantly positively associated with cumulative dust exposure. A significant positive association was also reported between a physician’s diagnosis of bronchitis and dust exposure. Their study also showed a significant negative association between FEV1 and the ratio of FEV1/FVC and cumulative dust exposure. There is […]
Ige and Awoyemi conducted an age- and sex-matched case-control study to assess occupational induced lung impairment as a result of exposure to grain and flour dust. The most frequent respiratory symptoms reported by bakery workers were sneezing, runny nose (53.3%), and periodic breathlessness/chest tightness (23.2%), while 21.5% of workers reported symptoms of cough/phlegm. In our […]
Our results show that there is a positive association between long-term exposure to grain dust and increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms. Our findings suggest a dose-response relationship between years worked in the grain industry and the prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms. Based on the ongoing intermediate cross-sectional analysis of these data, actions were taken from […]
The least reported chronic respiratory symptom was chronic dyspnea (9.9%) among grain workers in the Great Lakes region. After dust control, the most common reported symptom was chronic dyspnea (16.1%) among St. Lawrence grain workers followed by chronic sputum (15.0%) among grain workers in the Mountain region. After dust control, the least reported symptom was […]
Initially four multivariable marginal models were fitted using different within-subject covariance structures for each of the respiratory symptoms and the within-subject covariance structure that provided minimum SEs for most of the covariates was selected in order to fit the final model (shown in Appendix). The exchangeable within-subject covariance structure was selected for model building because […]
The data were collected in intervals termed cycles. The periods of cycles and the number of grain workers that participated in each cycle were as follows: October 1978 to September 1981, cycle 1 (n = 5,702); October 1981 to September 1984, cycle 2 (n = 5,491); October 1984 to September 1987, cycle 3 (n = […]
It is well known that exposure to grain dust is a major contributor to the high prevalence of respiratory symptoms in farmers, grain workers, and feed mill workers. A high prevalence of work-related symptoms in relation to grain dust exposure has been reported by several researchers. A number of cross-sectional and cohort studies conducted in […]