Is Viagra Harmful for Men?
The drug Viagra was created to treat erectile dysfunction, commonly called impotence. To perform full sexual intercourse for men is a very important moment in life. It is human instinct, relating to basic needs.
The drug Viagra was created to treat erectile dysfunction, commonly called impotence. To perform full sexual intercourse for men is a very important moment in life. It is human instinct, relating to basic needs.
Creating a drug to improve male potency Viagra is the third great achievement of scientists of the twentieth century after penicillin and x-rays. Viagra is the world’s first oral pharmaceutical agent that found to be effective for the majority of males suffering from erectile disorder. The researchers, who were able to bring joy to thousands […]
The Viagra from My Canadian Pharmacy is an FDA-approved treatment recommended for people who are suffering from erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is a common health condition that many people are seen suffering from. It can happen to any men and is most seen in people who belong to age groups of thirty or even younger. […]
This review demonstrated that considerable amounts of useful information are available in clinical trial reports submitted for marketing authorisation (licensing). That information adequately describes research methods used, though could be improved, perhaps using the updated CONSORT criteria. If these guidelines are becoming necessary for publication of randomised trials in our major medical journals, then they […]
Efficacy The efficacy results closest to the prior definition of efficacy of a man with the consistent three part outcome, consisting of an erection, sufficiently rigid for penetration, and followed by successful intercourse were the number of men in whom at least 60% or at least 40% of attempts at sexual intercourse were successful. The […]
Twenty-seven clinical trial reports were made available, all prepared for a marketing authorisation application, and dated September 1997. Some of these were single dose use in laboratory setting with penile plethysmography as an outcome. Others were open extensions of randomised studies. These were not useful, and 17 were excluded; details of excluded studies and reasons […]
No search strategy was required because this review was of material made available by Pfizer UK Ltd in the form of clinical trial reports used in a marketing authorisation application for sildenafil (Viagra) in September 1997. QUORUM guidelines were otherwise followed. The prior intention was to use studies that were relevant to the use of […]