Despite major improvements in patient care, ARDS still remains a formidable clinical challenge and carries a high mortality rate. Recent clinical studies suggest that patients with ARDS undergo relevant oxidative stress. Toxic oxygen products cause cellular and subcellular damage and activate epithelial cells, macrophages, or endothelial cells. Oxygen radicals are also recognized as mediators between […]
Statistical Methods Initial homogeneity assessment of the two groups was performed by t test and x2 analysis. The before and after comparisons were done with the sign test, the paired t test, and the Wilcoxon-Pratt test depending on the distribution of the data. Between-group comparisons were performed with the X2 test, the Student t test, […]
Multiple trauma included patients with multiple major fractures (two or more major long bones or unstable pelvic fracture) associated with trauma to another region of the body such as craniocerebral or abdominal, requiring surgical intervention. Aspiration was defined as recent (during the previous 6 h) inhalation of gastric contents, documented by suctioning of gastric material […]
Acute lung injury characterized by a high-permeability, low-pressure pulmonary edema can develop following a number of predisposing diseases resulting in different degrees of respiratory insufficiency. Patients with mild-to-moderate injury could, within this continuum, represent an interesting subset to evaluate a therapeutic approach of lung dysfunction. The pathogenesis of acute lung injury and its severest form, […]