This technique has been used to examine 1.0- to 4.5-mm diameter pulmonary arteries in humans with chronic lung disease. It has also accurately detected acute pulmonary emboli in dogs. It has been used clinically in patients suspected of having chronic pulmonary emboli where the angiogram is not conclusive. In these cases, angio-scopy has been useful […]
Computed tomography (CT) and MR imaging provide anatomic detail in pulmonary artery disease that cannot be obtained from pulmonary angiography. In pulmonary atresia, MR imaging has shown the presence or absence of pulmonary arteries in regions that are not accessible to catheters. In a small study of 21 patients with pulmonary embolism, high resolution CT […]
Intravascular ultrasound imaging of the coronary A artery has become an accepted standard in the evaluation of atherosclerotic lesions.’ It provides more accurate measurements of stenosis areas as well as a qualitative determination of the histologic components of atherosclerotic plaque.” Recently, intravascular ultrasound of the pulmonary artery has been validated as a reliable and rapid […]