Monthly Archives: August 2015

Canadian HealthCare Mall: Aorto-caval Fistula

Intracardiac rupture of a dissecting aortic aneurysm is a rare event. Although previous cases of rupture into the right atrium (RA) have been reported, we are unaware of any other report of communication into the superior vena cava (SVC). We recently had the opportunity to study and localize the site of fistula by continuous fiberoptic […]

Canadian HealthCare Mall: Low-Dose Vasopressin Infusions

Animal studies performed over four decades ago showed that vasopressin (Pitressin) produced a marked reduction in coronary blood flow. Based on these data, its administration was proposed as a test of “coronary insufficiency.” In 1947, Rusldn reported that when vasopressin was given to individuals with typical angina pectoris, electrocardiographic changes developed that were comparable to […]